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3.14 Conclusions

The Habay Formation is a fluvial unit, with immature channel conglomerate and paleosoils. The Attert Formation (dolomitic marl with gypsum and pseudomorphs) exhibits an evaporitic trend. The Mortinsart Formation (sand and marl) corresponds to a restricted marine unit, evolving towards an alluvial plain (Levallois Member). The Jamoigne Formation (bioturbated marl and limestone) is a marine subtidal restricted unit, evolving towards a more sandy series (Metzert Member). The Luxemburg Formation corresponds to a superposition of sand waves. The Ethe Formation (laminar clay and marl) marks a deepening of the basin, and the outset of marine dysaerobic conditions. The Aubange Formation (bioturbated marl with sandstone and limestone) is characterized by the reappearance of a normal benthic fauna. The Grandcourt Formation (laminar clay and marl) marks a return to open marine dysaerobic conditions. The Mont-Saint-Martin Formation (marl, sandy marl and oolitic ironstone) is a highly regressive unit, while the Longwy Formation (limestone) marks the initiation of a carbonate platform.