2.6 Keuper Formation
Authors: Stainier, 1943; Legrand , 1961; Legrand in Delmer, 1963; Langenaeker, 2000; van Adrichem Boogaert & Kouwe, 1993.
Description: Restricted lagoonal deposit, composed of variegated mudstone alternating with clayey dolomites , with anhydrite and gypsum beds and nodules ; base more sandy. Carbonates as in the Muschelkalk, are almost completely absent.
Boundaries : top: disconformably covered by Steen Formation; base: overlying Muschelkalk Formation.
Stratotype: Parastratotype in Belgium: well KB99 Neeroeteren.
Area: Roer Valley Graben ; removed by erosion from Campine Basin.
Thickness: 86 m .
Age: Middle (- Upper?) Triassic, Ladinian (- Norian?).