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2.5.10 Froide Fontaine Formation - FRF

Authors: Doremus & Hennebert, 1995.

Description: Cleaved mudstone and siltstone, of greenish grey to dark grey unweathered colours, with additionally decimetric beds of obliquely stratified rather coarse sandstone; often micaceous, a typical feature of the formation. Clearly more sandy (up to half sandstone and half slate) than the other two Silurian units of the Senne valley.

Stratotype: Senne valley, between the village of Horrues and its hamlet Froide Fontaine, in a road section at km 22.5 of the road N55, Enghien-Soignies.

Area: Brabant Massif, outcrop area: Senne and Sennette valleys.

Thickness: Between 160 and 270 m.

Age: Middle Wenlock to lower Ludlow based on chitinozoans (Verniers, pers. comm. in Doremus & Hennebert, 1995).