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report 2014-11

Report   written meeting procedure November 2014


The 28 th of  November 2014 meeting has been replaced by a written procedure. Written replies by the  subcommissions were expected before  15th of December .

No replies were received from Carboniferous and Permian/Triassic/Jurassic   subcommissions.


  1. acceptance or refusal of the pending proposals for lithostratigraphic units:


Cretaceous ( see website): Nieuwkerke De Seule and Nieuwkerke  Noordhoek Members of the 'Vert Galand Formation' .


posted on website 10.6. 2014figure adapted 03.02.2015.


Apparently the discussion in the subcommission is not finished yetand the subcommission still needs to formalise, in ncs format, the Vert Galand Formation, used in the Carte Géologique de la Wallonie, and the correspondence between the subdivisions there and the ones proposed in Southwest Flanders.


Devonian ( see website )


The suggested Booischot and Heibaart Formations in the Campine subsurface and the relationship with the Aisemont Formation has not yet been cleared out by the subcommission.



  1. No reply from the Carboniferous subcommission.


The subcommission ncs website page is still lacking a shortintroductory text on the Carboniferous and thelist of the current members of the subcommission is missing.


  1. Follow up of requests to the subcommissions  (point 4  report previous meeting):


  1. Introducing Members in the lithostratigraphic section.

The Lower Paleozoic subcommission has submitted a discussion on the subdivision of the Brutia Fm into a lower, newly introduced,  Les Goutteux Member and an upper Nivelles Member.

  1. Reporting on the chronostratigraphy by selected published or available schemes positioning the lithostratigraphic schemes into a chronostratigraphic scheme.

The Lower Paleozoic subcommission has providedappropriate schemes and two main literature references (see website ).


  1. Meetings by national subcommissions.

A meeting is considered in 2015 by the Paleogene-Neogene subcommission.


Some subcommisisons preferred a common ncs meeting.


  1. Note that there are also proposals and discussions on the Paleogene-Neogene  and on the Quaternary sub-commission sites  who will need approval or refusal  during a next meeting.


Please see website P-N : Inden Fm,  Kiezeloolite Fm , Brussel FM,   

          Q :    Gent Fm



  1.  Approval has been given  for the meeting report of  2014-06 , reporting in English , and the reporting of the written procedure meeting of November 2014 as a regular ncs meeting.


Howeversome subcommissions insisted to avoid written procedure meetings in the future.




  1. Subcommissions were asked to prepare a comparison between equivalent terminologies in the mapping of Wallonia and Flanders (including Brussels). The results of this subcommission work will be dealt with during the next meeting.

Each subcommission needs to organise a comparison betweentheactual legends of the geological mapsWallonie1:25 000and the 1:50 000 maps Flanders, or actualised lithostratigraphic nomenclature (ncs website) and point out the discrepancies.




Kind regards,


Noël Vandenberghe                               Marleen De Ceukelaire                                   Eric Goemaere

Chairman                                                  Secretary                                                           Secretary