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Report 2012-06

National Commission for Stratigraphy


Meeting report – 12-06-2012


Frieda Bogemans, Marie Coen-Aubert, Marleen De Ceukelaire, Katrien De Nil, Eric Goemaere, Luc Hance, Vanessa Heyvaert, Jacques Verniers, Stephen Louwye , Noël Vandenberghe, Alain Herbosch,


Frédéric Boulvain, Michiel Dusar, Piet Laga, Dominique Delsate, Bernard Delcambre, Eddy Poty, Johan Yans, Martin Laloux


  1. Report of last NCS meeting

No remarks and the report is approved.

  1. Subcommission reviews.

Lower Palaeozoic

To facilitate long distance correlations, Alain Herbosch has subdivided the km-thick Lower Palaeozoic succession into Groups. The president supports the idea but requests that the characteristic features of each Group are highlighted before to submit the text to Proposals and Discussions on the website.

Luc Hance will ask Martin Laloux for possible Groups introduced in the text books of the new geological map for Wallonia.


A last revised 2001 Nomenclature has been submitted by Marie Coen.

Vito is responsible to submit to the Devonian Subcommission the units introduced by Ben Laenen and included in an unpublished report on DOV website. Katrien De Nil will take care of this.

E. Goemaere mentions that Léon Dejonghe is in charge of improving the correlation between the Lower Devonian of Southern Belgium and Luxemburg.




No representatives attended the meeting.

L. Hance points out that the NCS page should give access to the correlation with neighbouring countries where similar units bear different names (Avesnois, Boulonnias…).

Recent progresses on the Carboniferous concern mainly bio- and sequence stratigraphy.

Vito is responsible to submit to the Carboniferous Subcommission the units introduced by Ben Laenen & Peter Van Tongeren and included in a published report on DOV website. Katrien De Nil will take care of this.

Permian – Trias – Jurassic

Representatives were absent, but no modifications are required except for the Campine Basin.


The new units proposed on the website are accepted by the NCS. These are : Kunrade Formation; Wachtebeke Mbr of Nevele Fm; Dorne Fm.

The revised 2001 nomenclature is not yet uploaded.

KDN asks if the used nomenclature of the south of West Flanders is accepted.


As a fact, the “Tertiary” subdivision will still be informally used. ICS has to propose a new name for Paleogene – Neogene. The term Tertiairy will disappear from the stratigraphical table, but still exist for informal use.

A proposition of the suppression of the term Tertiary will be put on the website, so reaction can be formulated.

Documents not yet submitted : Maldegem Formation (Patric Jacobs); Ypresian (E. Steurbaut); Paleoceen (P.Laga). Oligocene (English version-member level) is accepted 01/2012.


Work concerning the Holocene and tardi-glacial alluvial stratigraphy is still in progress.

Activities in Holocene-Tardiglacial are subdivided in 3 sub-groups – Upper Scheldt, middle and lower Scheldt and Maas. The will bring their text together in the end of October.

2 new members are added.

An excursion on Loess stratigraphy will take place next October 5th. Leaders : Pirson – Haesaerts.

  1. The NCS webpage and its maintenance

Marleen de Ceukelaire has accepted to take the role of adjunct secretaries, mainly to facilitate the updating of the NCS webpage. She will also examine possibilities to create a more attractive NCS site. Today, the webpage is friendly hosted on the ULg site, but it imposes that all changes to the text are brought by Frédéric Boulvain who is the administrator of the website and overloaded. The websites of Geologica Belgica and that of the Geological Survey should also include a clear link to the NCS page/site. Marleen is also considering to use the GeoHouse platform, under creation.

Luc Hance considers that the present layout of the revised 2001 nomenclature is not very attractive. Ideally, the revised version should have the same layout as the original one and be included as a pdf version with clear indications of changes.

  1. TS-Creator

Jim Ogg and his wife Gaby are invited to visit Belgium in 2013 and present a 3 days course to interested people. The President with request a financial support from the Academy. Proposed dates are :

1) first week of April (1-5 April 2013)

2) second possibility 22-23-24 May 2013

3) alternative postpone till after summer 3th week of September 2013 .


Eric Goemaere propose to combine this with the Geologica Belgica medal, which as accepted as a good idea.


  1. Varia

Members of Subcommissions to be uploaded on NCS page

  1. Next meeting

Next meeting November 29, with announcement in September.


Luc Hance Noël Vandenberghe

Secretary President



Marleen de Ceukelaire

Assistant Secretary