3.2.8 Longues Royes Formation - LGR
Authors: Delcambre & Pingot, in press b.
Description: Green silty shale and micaceous siltstone including a few darker beds; the amount of micaceous siltstones increases towards the top; lower boundary not observed, upper boundary with the Montcheret Fm.
Stratotype: outcrops along the Ri d'Acoz valley, south of Bouffioulx, Charleroi.
Area: In the western part of the Condroz inlier along the Ri d'Acoz valley, in a part supposed to belong to the para-autochtonous northern part of the Condroz inlier.
Thickness: Poorly known, at least 150-180 m (if section is not faulted).
Age: Ludlow and/or Pridoli, based on spores (Steemans, unpublished data in Delcambre & Pingot, in press b).
(B. DELCAMBRE and J.L. Pingot)