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2.5.4 Latinne Formation - LAT

Author: Verniers, 1976 ms, 1983a.

Description: Dark greenish grey or medium to dark grey, mudslate, siltslate and fine siltstone, quartzic sometimes calcareous; Tde sequences thin to medium thick (average thickness of at least 20 cycles: 11-19 cm); Tcde sequences very often present (38-61% of all sequences) with about the same average thickness approaching that of Tde sequences (on average 20% thicker); with thin c-divisions (0.5 to 6 cm); lower and upper boundary unknown; contact via fault with supposedly covering Hosdin Fm.

Stratotype: Village Latinne, sections in the talus of the road, west of the small hamlet Les Ruelles; outcrops GH-3 and GH-9 in Verniers 1983.

Area: Until now only observed in the Mehaigne valley.

Thickness: Recorded sections: 22.6 m, outcropping sections: 27.6 m, formation: estimated at least 180 m.

Age: Telychian, upper Llandovery based on chitinozoan assemblage with Conochitina vitrea (= Conochitina sp. A in Verniers, 1982).