TS Creator pro available
TS Creator pro available
Following the TS Creator Spring School at Leuven in March 2014, the TS Creator pro version of the program is now available for professional stratigraphers and students stratigraphy at Belgian technical-scientific institutions. The program can be made available by the following contact persons at the institutes : Alain Herbosch , ULB; Frédéric Boulvain, ULg; Philippe Claeys, VUB ; Stephen Louwye , UGent; Johan Yans UNDP Namur ; David Lagrou, VITO ; Katrien DeNil ,DOV ; Xavier Devleeschouwer, KBIN-IRSNB Belgian Geological Survey ; Robert Speijer , KU Leuven .
It foreseen to provide also access to the updates of the program. In case of difficulties of access Robert Speijet at KU Leuven can be contacted (Robert.speijer@ees.kuleuven.be).