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Change of the NCS board

on Thu, 01/24/2019 - 11:10

After many years the president of the NCS, Noël Vandenberghe, has decided to pass on his duties. Bernard Mottequin, working at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, accepted the task to follow in his footsteps and his candidacy was approved by the Belgian National Committee of Geological Sciences in October 2018. In the course of 2018, the secretary of the NCS, Jacques Verniers, and the webmaster, Marleen De Ceukelaire, have gradually transferred their activities to Kris Welkenhuysen, also working at the RBINS. The members of the NCS and the subcommissions sincerely want to thank Noël, Jacques and Marleen for their efforts and engagement in their functions, and welcome their successors.

See also the meeting reports of 11-2017 and 12-2018.